

All About the k_units Data Type


This page provides a summary of help-page links that teach and define all the features of the k_units data type as well as the Kornucopia Units Engine and related features.

  1. The k_units Data Type - Describes, in detail, how Kornucopia's data type k_units works within the MATLAB environment. This includes describing the data type's Properties, Methods, and syntax features, as well as several simple demonstrations of its use.

  2. Syntax of Using k_units Data Type - Reviews several aspects related to syntax approaches for manipulating variables of data type k_units.

  3. Units Library and Units Preferences -  Describes all the Units contained within the Kornucopia Units Library and also the Units Preferences available.

  4. Units Signatures - Describes Units Signatures and how they are used in Kornucopia. Units Signatures are one of the key technology components behind the Kornucopia Units Engine.

  5. Overloaded MATLAB Functions - Describes how over 80 MATLAB native functions and operators are overloaded so that they work naturally with k_units data type arguments.

  6. Props Inheritance - Describes the rules and resulting behavior of how Kornucopia handles inheritance issues related to the Props Properties of entities of type k_units. In short, inheritance refers to what, if any, meta-info Properties (Description, ColNames, etc.) stored in the Props of an input argument are inherited by (or copied to) an output argument of a function or operation.  

  7. Kornucopia-Compatible Data Types - Describes additional data types such as strings, numeric input, and MATLAB tables that can be supplied as input in many expressions intended for input arguments of data type k_units.

  8. Comparing MATLAB Data Types to k_units Data Type - Compares some of the similarities and differences between a k_units data type and several MATLAB data types.

  9. Temperature and Frequency - Provides additional discussion and guidance relative to calculations involving temperature and/or frequency. The help page covers the complexities caused by issues such as affine and non-affine temperatures as well as frequency and angular frequency.

  10. Working with MATLAB Dates and Time Data Types - Provides an overview of how Kornucopia works with Time Stamps and similar date-time quantities.